Tuesday, September 30, 2008

LEGO Maniac

Here are some pics of Gavin's 9th Birthday. He is crazy about LEGOs and above are some examples of his creations. (Chris is relieved he can do these by himself now) We had a cake made for him in the shape of a lego block. (I didn't make it, of course!) I can't believe my "baby" is 9!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Mission Accomplished

Today I am celebrating day # 15 of being Diaper-Free!! Griffin has been working on this for a while but it looks like this is forever. Even though Gavin and Griffin are 6 years apart, I have always had daycare kids in diapers so this has been a relief. I will look forward to my new niece or nephew arriving next year (My in-laws Chandler and Jackie are expecting in the Spring, yeah!) but until then...NO MORE DIAPERS!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I Surrender...

Okay..Okay! My sister is so into this that I can't resist! If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I admit that I love to check Renae's blog everyday to see what's up with Marcus and Hannah so here is my first attempt. I hope I can live up to her high standards of blogging!!