Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Elodie!

Tequila anyone?!
Thank goodness not all birthdays are celebrated like this or we would need a 12 step program. Our neighbor and friend turned 29 again so we rented a party bus and went to Bunker Hill to eat. We then stopped at a couple of bars on the way back to Hays and ended at the Stadium Club where my cuz Chad was playing. We only made it to 1am before we had to go home...thank goodness! Partying like that is hard on old people like us. This last pic of Chris is hilarious...can't tell if he is being a smartass or just drunk? Probably a little of both!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Where is the Sun?

Saw this weather map and had a laugh. I am so sick of snow and cold I could scream! I am tired of coats, boots, freezing cold car seats, runny noses, dirty cars, shivering, stir crazy kids, indoor reccess, need I say more? I want tan skin, flip flops, golf and margaritas while floating in the pool. Please winter...GO AWAY!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pancake Day!

Here is Gavin in the middle going down after getting shoved into the pole. He recovered quickly and finished 2nd.

The annual Holy Family Pancake Race was held indoor this year due to cold temperatures. It was held in the cafeteria which led to a few accidents. There were a few wipeouts but none bigger than the Dad's race! Here are Jeff Dinkel, Joe Koeningsman, and Scott Stults battling it out in turn 1...turn 4 was the most exciting but I was laughing too hard to take a picture. It involved ripping pants, broken cell phones and hurt old men. I am not even sure if any of them crossed the finish line. I hope we can return to the outdoor sprint next year...the slick floor and multiple turns were a little too much to handle!

Valentine's Love

Chris and I ate lunch with Gavin at school last week...and this was his artwork hanging on the wall!! So funny! I am not sure why his 'love' was cheeseburgers but I guess it is better than a lot of other things he could be in love with?! (OK Mom...I updated my blog! Happy?! lol)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Gavin's New Look

Gavin had games on Saturday in Russell where things got a little rough. A giant kid fouled Gavs knocking out part of his front tooth when falling on top of him, also knocking the wind out of him. It took Gavin a while to figure out that part of his tooth was gone, and wasn't too bent out of shape about it. I, on the other hand, immediately called our dentist (who happens to be one of our best friends) to fix it! It is not as heinous as Aldrich's missing tooth...but still needs to get fixed asap. The hillbilly snaggletooth look isn't all it's cut out to be!

Monday, February 1, 2010


My Cousin Toby's son Tyler...SO CUTE!
We headed to Abilene Friday night for some dinner and fun, then got up early Saturday morning and headed to Manhattan. We watched ESPN's Gameday filmed in the Bram and then went to Aggieville for some food and shopping. We didn't want to leave but since we didn't have tickets we had no choice to go back to Hays and watch the game on TV :-( We 'hurried' back to Hays to watch the game! (By 'hurry' I mean we drove fast...maybe a little too fast. I gave Hannah the scare of her life by getting pulled over in Abilene going a little over the speed limit. Griffin told her "Don't worry, this happens to my Mom all the time!")

Happy Kansas Day!

Yes, I know it was last week but I have been busy!! I went on a field trip to Old Fort Hays with Gavin's class. I learned a lot about Kansas and got to pet some snakes, yuck. I have a lot more respect for poor Mrs. Dinkel after dealing with them just for part of the day!