Monday, January 12, 2009

Pure Evil

So I bought this 13 DVD set of workout videos in December thinking it was a great idea! Well after Day 5 I am rethinking my decision. I am shuffling around like an old lady and can barely shampoo my hair in the shower I am soooooooooooooo sore!!!!! It is a different kind of sore every just never know what body part will fall apart next. I am sticking with it but it is quite a commitment. I am on a Pound Plunge team with Elodie, Amy and Val and I don't want to let them down. We are the "Beach Dreamers" and I would love to put a swimming suit on and not have stuff falling out (and I don't mean my boobs...ha). I keep telling myself...'I can do anything for 90 days'...but can I??

1 comment:

the Dunlaps said...

You go girl! You are my inspiration... I think I will be doing "The Firm" DVD tonight.