Sunday, October 11, 2009

Congrats Chad and Kim!!

Chad and Griffin lookin' handsome!
Gavin preparing to serve
The flower girl and the ring bearer napping during Mass.
Chad and Kim!
If you look carefully...Gavin is doing his serving duties.

Griffin being Griffin.
SOOO cute!!
What Angels!!
Saturday was my cousin Chad's wedding and Griffin was the ring bearer. He and Ava were quite the pair!! I was proud that they got down the isle with no trouble...then they both immediately fell asleep and slept for the entire Mass. The ceremony was beautiful and Gavin did a great job of helping out Fr. Mike. Congrats Chad and Kim!!

1 comment:

kknox said...

my little ringbear (Sam) made it halfway down the isle and turned around and slowly but deliberately walked back :) then also proceeded to fall asleep during mass. those ringbear duties really can wear a guy out! he looks so cute!!