Sunday, September 26, 2010

Time Marches On...

My apologies to Grandma Vada...I have not blogged in a LONG time! The boys and I have all had the flu and that set us behind a few days. Gavin and I were quite the pair...sick at the same time! Thank goodness we have 2 bathrooms! (TMI!) My cousin Amy and I have also been busy sharpening up her resume and finding a new adventure for her to begin! Gavin has football practice 3 nights a week plus all his school work...and that makes for crazy weeknights. He is in 5th grade with 3 teachers, and they insist on not telling the parents anything about assignments and test to teach the kids responsibility. Scary! Griffin's daycare provider got a new job forcing us to make some unexpected changes. We are so close to never needing daycare again...only 8 more months, but we did find some great options and Griffin has enjoyed going to 2 different places the last 2 weeks. One place has his cousin Giana and 2nd cousin Jack...Griff enjoys playing the "big brother" role for both of them. It is something he has never experienced before.
I promise I will get pics up soon...

1 comment:

Brandi said...

I hear you!! We had to switch daycares this year also. That was a hard change, but it has turned out well. It is sure stressful though!!