Saturday, April 24, 2010

5k Race...What was I thinking?

Waiting in the morning...too cold and windy to get out of the car.
WE DID IT!! Thank God it is over!

Post race breakfast
My friend Karol got a bright idea to sign us all up for a 5k run for the Make a Wish Foundation. I haven't run in...well, I have never really got into running. I am a firm believer that unless you are being chased, you shouldn't run?! The avid runners Karol and Jessica kicked butt finishing in around 25 minutes? and Val, Rachel and I brought up the rear finishing in 35 minutes. We ran about a mile and a half when I heard Rachel say "I think I am gonna walk a minute" and I have never been so happy in my whole life!! Val and I quickly slowed up and caught our breath. Instead of stretching in the morning...I got up early, found Gavin's old ipod and put some good running music on it, mostly football pregame music. I crossed the finish line to the KSU fight song! Ha! I hope I can walk tomorrow.


the Dunlaps said...

Way to go woman! But I hate who doesn't run- runs almost as fast - if not faster than me. I am thrilled with 12 minute miles and I have been at this since last summer. I am so putting pregame music on my ipod! I am proud of you!! :)

Brandi said...

Good Job!! I think I share your sentiments about the "only running if someone is chasing you" part!! :-)